Give Now
Click the donations buttons below to make a gift by credit card. Follow all instructions to ensure that your gift is processed as desired.
Give by Mail
Gifts by check can be made to minstry accounts managed by Legacy Deo. Make your check payable to Legacy Deo and designate the account in the memo line. Refer to the Ministry Accounts option to search for specific accounts and related information. Mail your gift to:
Legacy Deo
2901 Caballo Ranch Blvd, Ste 4D
Cedar Park, TX 78641-4637
Give Stocks and Other Securities
Legacy Deo accepts gifts of stock, bonds, mutual funds, and exchange-traded funds. When donating securities, please follow this two-stage process:
- Complete our Instructions form and return it to us by mail or fax. This notifies us of your intention to give securities. If you prefer to use secure email, please contact us by phone or at info@legacydeo.org so that we may send you our encrypted form.
- Contact us by phone regarding our receiving account information. Alternatively, your investment broker may contact us on your behalf.
Give Real Estate
We accept gifts of real estate and mineral rights. They may be designated for Legacy Deo or one of the trusts and endowments we manage. So that we may better serve you, we ask that you first contact us by phone or at info@legacydeo.org. We’ll put you in touch with one of our experienced gift planners who will explain our gift acceptance process.