Estate Plans
An estate plan is a comprehensive framework designed to transfer a person’s assets after his or her death. It ensures that financial and family-related wishes are carried out as intended. Investments, pensions, life insurance, real estate, cars, personal belongings, and debts comprise a person’s estate.
Without an estate plan, decisions regarding distribution of your assets and custody of your dependent children are left to a probate court. Your wishes may not be fulfilled when the decisions are left to another party. Sadly, 60-70% of Americans die without a will or with one that hasn’t been updated in the last ten years.
At Legacy Deo, our vision is that all people will leave a legacy for faith and family. That’s why we work with estate planning professionals to develop a plan that is right for you. If your estate plan includes a charitable component, the trusts and endowments we offer could play an important part in your overall strategy. Legacy Deo can also serve as executor of your estate, relieving family and friends of those responsibilities.
Let us help you with your estate planning needs, especially those that involve your charitable intent. We also offer the following estate planning resources, free of charge:
Will Planning Guide (secure login)
The Red Book: Your Vital Information (fillable pdf)
Funeral Planning Guide (fillable pdf)
If you prefer paper copies of these resources, please let us know by emailing your request to info@legacydeo.org.